Mission: Prospective Prospector
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Planet:Planet Calypso
Mission Chain:Tutorial Chain
Objective:Perform 3 surveys
Reward:Geology (eq. 0.01 PED implant)
Reward Skills:Geology
Mission Broker
Mission Broker:Mr. Yoshida
Nearest City:Camp Amundsen
Required Mission:Another Message From Yoshida
Added:Planet Calypso 2012.4
Mission Locations


You are to survey the area surrounding the supply pod for potential resource claims. In order to gather enough data you need to perform three surveys using the Genesis Star Rookie Finder (L).


  • Equip the Genesis Star Rookie Finder (L)
  • Survey the nearby
  • Travel to Scott's Ridge
  • Talk to Rusty



You do NOT need to be at Mr. Yoshida's location to get this mission. It will start automatically when you finish the required mission.


Mission Chain


Yoshida's communicator

Your mission is to make 3 mining surveys.

Equip the Genesis Star Rookie Finder (L)
1. Open your inventory by pressing "I"
2. Left-click the "tools" tab
3. Right-click the finder icon and choose "Equip" in the context menu
A user interface (UI) will open in the top left corner on your screen when you have equipped the finder.
Left-click the "Energy Matter" and "Mineral Ore" icons in the finder UI.
  • How to use the finder tool
Press "E" to use the finder tool, when it is equipped.
It will take some seconds for it to scan for resources.
When the cooldown bar is full you can press "E" again to do another survey. Every survey uses survey probes. 
A claim marker will appear somewhere near you if your finder discovers any resources.
  • What to do with claim markers
 To extract the resources from the claim marker you need to equip the Genesis Star Rookie Extractor (L).
1. It is in the "tools" tab in your inventory
2. Right-click it and choose "Equip" in the context menu
3. Left-click the claim marker to select it
4. Press "E" to extract the resources
Resources are worth money! It can take several uses to empty a claim. You can only extract resources from claim markers that you own.
More info on mining can be found in the Help Terminal.
Now, start surveying!
  • Ok

On third drop:

Colonist, that team of experts we were expecting is nowhere to be found. We do not know what has happened to them.

You have to relay the data to Genesis Star Headquarters; the data must be analyzed immediately so we can stake a claim to any resource deposits you may have discovered.

Go to the outpost on Scott's Ridge and ask for their assistance. Tell them I, Mr. Yoshida, sent you.
  • Ok, I'm on my way

On reaching Rusty (68492, 70759):

Hey, you! This outpost is a restricted area, authorized personnel only!

You have ten seconds to state your business, before I open fire!
  • Mr. Yoshida from Alpha Station sent me!
Yoshida's creature are you, eh? Come closer then, so I don't miss.

No. I'm sorry, that's unfair. Tell me what old Cut-corners wants, then I'll decide whether or not I'm gonna shoot you.
  • We need you to send some prospecting data to the HQ
You're coming at a bad time.

It's just me and Amir, the communications specialist, left here at the outpost. I've had to send all my people out on patrols; escape pods are falling out of the skies like rain, and there are some... troubling signals coming from Jotun Falls.

We can't help you at this time.
  • Can't the communications specialist help me?
She's busy monitoring the signals I mentioned, but I guess she could send that data for you. If you ask nicely.
You know what, talk to her and then come back to me, I may have a task for you.
  • I'll do that then

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Mission Locations

ContinentLonLatTypeNameDensityLand Area
Calypso Gateway6760769952Mission Location Prospective Prospector 

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