Mission: Spider Bots!!! - Rank 1
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Planet:Planet Cyrene
Mission Chain:Spider Bots!!!
Objective:Earn 100 5P1D3R Kill Points
Reward:Courage (eq. 0.56 PED implant)
Reward Skills:Courage
Mission Broker
Mission Broker:A.R.C. Researcher Zoid

Talk to A.R.C. Researcher Zoid.




Researcher Zoid here, and that'll be Chief Researcher to you. Ah, well soon enough anyway. For now we've got a very important task, and by "we" I mean you.


So the Imperium is at it again, this time with some weird 5P1DER Robots, I've just taken to calling them Spider Bots, but for the sake of science we've got to keep the naming convention imprinted on their memory boards.


Either way, we're not certain of what they're doing for the imperium, but it can't be good. While we're still studying them, we need hearty pioneers like you to destroy some of them. I'll give you a skill increase if you do, as it will get me a better title.


How about it?


Actually, yes

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