Armor Part: Shogun Thigh Guards, Improved
Specifications                  [Edit]
Armor:Shogun, Improved
Weight:2.8 kg
Maximal TT:39.7 PED
Found on:Planet Calypso

Protecting ones thighs is important, and its more physical aspects are something that LM/FCP decided to deal with. The Liam Marcus Firm of Comfortable Protections added a layer of MaxiAlloy-weave, surrounded by a TwinFiber Super-line. The result was remarkable, and very well received. Unfortunately, the process of refining the MaxiAlloy did make the thigh-guards very expensive, which in turn killed production after only a short while. This makes the improved Shogun thigh-guards a rare item.

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This item has been reported to drop from these creatures.

CreatureFrequencyMaturityLast VUUpdate 
Feffoid (Calypso)No longer drops 12.7.0Last VUEdit

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