Armor Part: Lion Arm Guards
Specifications                  [Edit]
Weight:2.9 kg
Maximal TT:110 PED
Markup (M): 
Found on:Planet Calypso
Markup (M)
User Value:2500.00 PED (2012-03-16)

The Lion armor is the final version in the armor series invented during Sollomate's research project "Animal Series Project". The Lion armor being the pride of the series.


By changing the design from the Tiger series, Sollomate enhanced the protection against pysical damage. The new design however made the armor much heavier. This forced Sollomate to abandon the use of semi-alloyed plates, and to accept a weaker heat protection. 


By using Xeremite in the construction of the surface plating Sollomate were able to keep the weight down, while also adding insulating properties against electric currents. Unfortunately the larger amounts of Xeremite needed for construction made the Lion series more expensive. Only a few suits of armor were ever producted.


A society of wealthy hunters acquired several sets of the Lion armor and later became known as the "Kings of the Wilderness". During the first robot invasion the society suddenly disappeared and the fate of the members is still a mystery. Rumor has it that the entire society mobilized an attack on the robots ship surrounding Calypso.

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